KTOYO We, K-TOYO, have manufatured force transducers and torque sensors under highly advanced technical & capital tie-up with TOYO SOKKI.
TOYO-SOKKI is one of the leading Japanese measuring instruments makers specializing in the manufacturing of the strain gauge and measuring sensors based on a thorough & integrated production process.
All products of KTOYO are specially designed to cope with humidity, noise, & other variables on the job site by adopting sealing materials of the most superior quality in the world.
In particular, environmental protection of specifications will meet all international metrology requirements and a wide range of applications and needs in the factory automatic fields.
We will seek to meet the challenge of maintaining leadership by continuously adapting to the changing needs of our customers in the future.

Joon K Park
KTOYO co., Ltd
289-7, Howondong, Uijeongbusi, Gyeonggido, South Korea
Tel) +82-31-872-7666
Email) ktoyo@ktoyo.co.kr